Wonderful essay from top to bottom. Note sets indeed. Much friendlier.

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"When we think of it as spontaneous composition, the answer is clear: it's a natural outgrowth of human creativity. We see it in classical music as "theme and variations" or in improvised cadenzas."

Yes, and I'd extend that to the idea of influences -- artists are inspired by what came before, either to push against it, reject it, or expand on it -- and out of that, new ideas are born.

Even with the troudabours, as I know you're aware, they may have made up verses on the spot and probably did, but they were building on stories and mythological traditions, like the Grail tradition, that had preceded them, which is how you get many different variations on the Grail story as each artist takes what came before and composes over it.

PS I love the idea of "note sets" rather than scales. That almost makes me want to go back and practice some scales on my guitar. Almost... 🤔😎

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If, when starting out, musicians had teachers like you, there wouldn't be so many players who sound alike.

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I feel like you are my teacher from afar... this was a great read as I'm pondering improvising and trying to give myself more constraints when I practice solo-ing... and thinking about others' solos and trying to wrap my head around the arc of the solo and how the ideas are working together... and yes trying to get myself to be less afraid of improvising around other people

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Was it Duke Ellington stating in "Music Is My Mistress" that he required all of his band members to learn the lyrics to the songs?

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When I was about 6 or 7 yrs. old, I took a clock apart and could never put it back together again. I was wiser when it came to music. Sonny Rollins is a good example of using all the parts of a song; melody, harmony, and rhythm, for improvisation. Even drummers can do that. When I soloed, I always used the rhythms of the melody and if there were words, used their phrasing for soloing.

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Very cool opener. Impressed to hear about the lyrics informing the improv.

Do you have a citation for the info about the troubadours? I’m interested in this.

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I see wish I could play the clarinet like you Su! Magnificent and melodious 😍 I loved this essay and am pondering it as the visual artist I am! Thank you 🙏🏽 😊

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