Enlightning article. I've developed some kind of telepathy with our dogs, I can communicate with them, I understand their thoughts and feelings and I definitely can comunicate with our plants. Sometimes it's easier to have a good telephatic conversation with them than a verbal communication with some people.

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So true, so true!

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It can be easier with dogs than with humans. Especially when they've been with us for a while they develop sensitivity to our moods and can attract our attention to give them what they need. They also sense our moods and act accordingly, sometimes to comfort us, other times to distract us and change our mood from negative to positive.

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I've experienced it, mainly, in musical situations. Playing with someone I've never played with before, improvising, and we both play the same phrase at the same time, and when that happens the music is lifted to a higher plane. Sometimes I've had it happen verbally, where both of us say the same thing at the same time and it doesn't always seem to be about what we were talking about.

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Go, you've shared many experiences with us that can be referred to as "paranormal!"

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I'm probably more para than normal. Unless the subject comes up, I don't think of the experiences as paranormal. Maybe my "normal" is different than other people's normal, quien sabe?

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Around 1980 I went to see a woman who used playing cards for her readings. She told my me that someone with the letter "J" in their name would help me before the snow fell. In early December the Commissioner of the Dept. where I worked called me into his office and offered me a new position with my own small office. His name was John J. Fahey. As I left his office I looked out a window to see that the first snow of the season was falling.

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Sometimes it's more literal than we think...."before the snow fell"....like, RIGHT BEFORE!

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Thank you for a provocative discussion of the “other than material” world. In my view, the kind of questions you raise are more important than the answers proposed. Almost by definition, the fundamentally materialistic methods of scientific inquiry are unlikely to unlock finally or “prove” spiritual truths.

But truth is accessible to humans in more ways than one. The arts and the humanities have a long history of inquiring into spiritual realities. Science made so much progress, and corrected so many real errors of previous searchers, that many people came to believe that the scientific method could answer all of the questions humans can ask. It can’t.

In my view (again), our fullest understanding of the whole human experience requires attention to both arts and sciences. The categorical exclusion of either is a mistake.

Thanks again. I always enjoy your perspective.

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W.R., I couldn't have said it better! Do you think anyone's listening?

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I think there are always a few, listening, seeking, seeing, hearing, sharing. Sometimes there are more.

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In the theme of synchronicities, it was amazing to come across your article today about telepathy. I heard about the Telepathy podcast and its popularity a few weeks ago and started to listen and was blown away by my personal connection to this material.

Before I moved to Ecuador about 14 years ago, I lived in a first ring suburb of Minneapolis and when we moved there in around 2001 our close neighbors were a family from India with two young children. The parents were highly skilled tech workers, and it was clear to me that the husband was high functioning Asperger/autistic. Both children, the older girl being four at the time and her brother probably two, had been diagnosed with mute autism and both continued to not speak. At school age they were put into special education and their entire education was spent in classrooms where they were treated as if they had IQ’s of small toddlers and just learned some functioning skills. It was a highly stressful situation as they needed lots of care and they even were put in group home in their mid-teens for a few years.

Their mother came across a version of the spelling method and started teaching it to the children when they were in their late teens. everything broke loose when they were able to communicate and break out of the boxes that all their caregivers had put them in. I saw first-hand how they could answer complex math problems and they even started writing books and publishing their own poetry.

Their mother created a foundation, and they started a community to serve autistics. Eventually, the daughter, began to express sage like advice to all of us by seeing things about us that we could not see and started to give readings to people.

Jonathan, my husband, was always drawn to them and eventually moved into their community. He himself after getting involved, was diagnosed on the spectrum as well. He was always fairly physic and could “see” things that others could not.

After doing research on this topic, I began to see to see there have been controversies, and lawsuits around this emerging process of communication where parents and others have exploited non-speakers. There is always the shadow in any human endeavors.

I think we are going to continue to see that neurodiversity is a factor in our evolution and folks with different neuro processing are leading us in a way we are just beginning to grasp.

Johana Sand

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Johana thanks for this story. I agree that one of the big lessons in this ongoing controversy is learning to see beyond boundaries imposed on us by the status quo. There's always more to discover about this fascinating world and all the creatures on it, humans included.

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