Knowing how it ends makes me sad. Yes, you are a writer.

Thinking about finishing a gig in Denver and driving back to L.A. with the 4 of us and equipment in a station wagon, driving up the pass in winter, after a snow, the road strewn with boulders and the car was a rear wheel drive. I turned the car around and turned it into a front wheel drive and drove over the mountain backwards,, down into the valley, turned the car around and was facing a herd of cows crossing the road. Amazing what one will do to play music for $250 a week. I came close to death once. It was a time of panic and thinking, this is the end.

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Mar 3Liked by Su Terry

very impressive, quite some project! our stories need to be researched and told, they're necessary to weave our existence into a meaningful whole, creating and maintaining communities. since both my uncles (in their '80s) are still alive and clear-minded, I've begun to collect our family's history, with their stories (oral tradition) and old photographs at the centre. every installment is commented upon by other relatives and the written anecdotes are now growing into a longer, multi-layered story, with a beginning (going back 250 years this year) and incorporating many, many side paths. when finished it'll be great reference for the (great-, grand)children.

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Your experience with the psychic gave me goosebumps.

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My word. What a sad story. I feel so badly for his family and friends. And for you, this must have been very difficult to research and write about.

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Great story Su. Reminds of detective Columbo.

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